





















高品質なサービス、進化し続ける経営、そして、個々人の自己実現。Two Miles が掲げるミッションは、そんな3つの目標において高いレベルを求め続けてこそ、具現化できるものと考えております。






1. Commitment to the team and commitment to excellence


We need all team members to be committed to the welfare and growth of our team. We are a family. We grow as a team and look after each other. We work as a team help each other grow.This will require sacrifice sometimes, but in the end, we win as a team.

If we see someone struggling to solve a problem, we help the person because the problem is ours.


Also we are committed to excellence. Excellence in everything we do. Client service, education,work process, office environment, client communication, in everything we do, we pursue excellence.


We are a bunch of dream seekers. We will always seek ideals. We want everybody to be atrue professional who has a high goal professionally and as a team.


Two Miles is not a place for someone who wants to be “above average” This is a place where everyone is seriously seeking to be a true professional who can present ideas in a way of publications and speaking engagements.


This is a basic theme to create a sample company.




2. Persistence and daily improvement in small steps


Growth does not come in a day. It does not come in a year either. It comes from years of determination and persistence. We are committed to constantly growing. When we stop growing is the time we quit Two Miles.


We as a team and as individuals will set goals that is consistent with the mission of the company and work towards it. Precious things in life does not come by easily. Instant gratification does not last as long as something that took a lot of effort to achieve.


We are a team that thinks long term.




3. Communication and catch ball


We know that we cannot achieve greatness by working individually. We need to work as a team to achieve greatness. Working as a team is essential to working effectively and efficiently.


Each work has an ideal process. It has some critical points. There are process that you should do and others that should be done by someone else. We will always try to determine the optimal process and the points that are keys to performance before we start and through out the process. We will communicate with others and feed effective passes during the process. We will make sure we make a good pass to the next year after the job is done also.

Also, we need to be aware of where the monkey is. Is it on your shoulder? Or is it on others? Your stress level will change significantly if you keep less monkeys on your shoulder as possible.


Nothing great can be done by an individual. A little bit of openness and time spent to make sure the work is final and can be succeeded by another person will make a large difference in productivity as a team. 




4. Always be proactive


We will be initiative takers. If you find something that needs to be done, you do not wait. You will take the initiative to change.


We are creators. We are a small firm in the growth stage. No one is allowed to be standing at the sidelines and wait for someone else to solve the problem. You need to take charge and assist in solving the problem. Others will help you once they see you are trying to solve problems.


We do not wait for the problem to be solved. We will be proactive in initiating action to solvethe problem. Whether it is contacting the client or making suggestions on improving the internal system, we will be proactive.


We need to think outside of the box. Most people do not think outside the box. People tend to do things the way it has been done. We always need to think outside the box and challenge.


We are committed to innovation and growth. Everyone is expected to look for improvements,suggest whatever improvements that are necessary, and take proactive steps to implement those improvements.




5. Keep on changing


We are not a bunch of accounting geeks. We do not intend to be accounting geeks. We are problem solvers. We exist to serve clients through our professional knowledge and problem solving skills.


To solve problems, there will be wide range of knowledge that is necessary. Computer, language, law, management, leadership etc. We will try to learn all skills necessary to be problem solvers. We should never be content in where we are. We should always seek opportunities to challenge new things.


We believe in challenge. Challenge is what grows the person. No challenge, no growth. Challenge itself is a skill. As we challenge, we get better at challenge. Then we can make more challenges in a higher level.


We as a company are committed to constantly change. We will never be settled at one place but will always challenge the conventional ways of thinking and drive change. We as a team and team members individually will keep on challenging.




6. No complaining and whining behind others


We will not talk behind others. If there are problems, we will either confront the person or discuss it in a positive manner with others. We will never gossip or talk down our teammates when that teammate is not present.


If there you feel unfairness or any problem with the company, we will not gossip such things. We will bring up the issue in a constructive manner to necessary people. Our focus is to build up the company, not bring it down. We strive to be a positive influence to one another.


We want to build each other. When “we” go up, “I” will go up also. When “we” go down. “I”will go down. So Let’s talk about “we.” We need to keep “I” out and focus on the “we.”Everyone is expected to try to understand others before trying to have oneself understood.Our problem is your problem and your problem is our problem. We need to work on it together.


At Two Miles we cherish diversity and different ideas. We respect each other’s opinions and also act with integrity so that each person can be respected. Without mutual respect, good team will not exist. We want to build up a company that everyone can be proud of being a partof.

We will develop a respectful team together.






We value speed. We are committed to doing things in a speedy manner. We will never sacrifice speed for study. Study can be done only when there is more than enough time to spare. Otherwise, we will always seek to finish the job with speed.


Every job should have a due date. Jobs are expected to be done by the due date and whether the due date is kept or not has impact on your evaluation. We do everything with the end in mind.


This also means that all work should be done in order of importance. No work should be put off because it is something you do not like to do. Doing something you do not like to do are usually the things that contribute most to your growth.


Speed is not working fast compared to working in an effective and efficient manner. Working fast may help you for that time. Working effectively will help you for the years to come. Working fast may save minutes. Working effectively will save you hours. We will never leave things undone to work fast and save a few minutes.




8. Work hard, work smart


We expect everybody to work hard. There is no short cut to success. It requires hard work and integrity. We accept nothing short of hard work and we expect results within the designated time limit. No excuse will be tolerated.


But working hard always needs to be done in a smart manner. Working hard alone does not bring improvement. We need to always question the way we have been doing things, search for ways to make things easier, and always, always try to make the process easier before or while working hard.

The main reason for our growth is that we have not taken the easy road. We have tried to give the best value to our clients. We have worked hard to provide this, and during the process we have gotten a lot smarter. We need to keep on doing this in order for us to grow as a team, and as professionals.


We also value balance in life. Work hard and take time to play. Place importance on relationships outside of the company. Take care of your own health. Happy life leads to productive work.




9. Wowing others


We will provide service to clients that will exceed their expectations. Our goal is not only to exceed client expectations but to WOW them. We believe that if we go two miles for the clients, the relationship will be stronger and it will make it easy for us to work with them. In thelong run, both the client and we will be happier by this.


Wow is not limited to clients. We want to WOW each other in the team and also even the vendors. The same logic stands internally. Sacrifice may cost in the short run, but will surelyenrich the mutual relationships among the team members.

Wow is giving something that is totally unexpected. We need to be creative about this. How can we do something special for the people around us? We value creativity and having fun at the same time.